Sunday, August 3, 2008

How to cover acne with make-up

How to cover acne with make-up

Why should you use acne make-up?
If you are to attend a ceremony or an event and you are affected with acne, scars and other skin problems, using acne make-up is a good choice. Acne make-up enable you to hide acne, scars and other skin disorders.

How to use acne make up:
A typical acne make-up kit consists of:

* Concealer
* Foundation
* Finishing powder
* Sponge pads
* Applicators

Before applying make-up, make sure that you have washed your face properly.

Using Concealer:
So you have washed your face and pat it dried; now you are ready to use Concealer. Dab a small amount of Concealer on dark and red blotches on your face. Now take a make-up sponge to blend and propel the Concealer all over the surface of your face. The layer neither should be too thick nor should it be too thin. Observe carefully, if the Concealer is propelled properly on the blotches and all over the face.

Using a Foundation:
This step is followed by the first step and should be started after slightly drying the Concealer.
Once your Concealer dries, you can apply foundation using a sponge. Applying foundation on your face is a very intricate job if not done properly; the skin will look like rough leather.

Finishing powder:
Before applying the finishing powder, make sure and read the label first lest it should contain oils as using a finishing powder with oil may aggravate the acne.
Apply a thing layer of finishing powder sparingly and carefully that it does not look ugly and rough.

Once you have performed the job correctly and properly, your skin should look like a soft rabbit skin which is clean, soft and supple.
Now you are ready to attend the ceremony!

Side effects of using make-up:

It is evident that acne is caused by over production and clogging of hair follicles, use of make-up also clog the hair follicles restricting the sebum not to pop out the skin. This may aggravate your acne and other skin disorders.

However if you do use make-up, after attending the ceremony make sure you have scrubbed the layers of make-up properly so that sebum and sweats may secrete from the skin.

For More Information about Acne!!!!!! Visit…….

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